Saturday, February 2, 2013

Seven Pepper Schezuan

By way of catching up -- here are some pictures of our trip to Seven Star Pepper in the international district of Seattle.  Back story -- went for Chinese New Year festivities, encountered about 6 million people give or take 1.  We couldn't get any food anywhere.  It started raining -- kids were miserable, I'm useless in crowds.  The Critic really wanted us to try this.  I thought he was nuts -- I mean who takes a 5 and a 7 year old to a Schezuan restaurant???  Apparently us.  Thanks to The Big Guy's love of fried rice (introduced to him by me and home -- super easy and super yummy) it actually turned out really well.  Please note -- we did not partake of anything 7 stars.  In fact I'm pretty sure we asked for zero.  Note to self -- go to the international district ANY day except the one when they celebrate Chinese New Year next year!!!