Monday, August 8, 2011

4-year-old Thai Fanatic

The Little Guy has always been our adventurous eater.  Maybe it's because he's a laid-back personality (most of the time).  Maybe it's because he didn't have food allergies and we didn't have to be particularly careful about what went in his mouth.  Maybe it's having an older, less adventurous big-guy eater to encourage us to do things differently.  Whatever the reason, when The Big Guy is away, The Little Guy and I go out to eat.  He's my Junior Coach Bag Foodie without a doubt.  So today for lunch we enjoyed a plate of Pad Si Ew.  I didn't know a 4-year-old could even say that without wrinkling his nose... but The Little Guy was in HEAVEN!

Restaurant name: Thai 65
Food type:  Duh, Thai!
Category:  This is lower on the "venture to Thai restaurant" list, but it's good food, not too expensive, usually quick service, and the location was right on this particular day.
Location:  Renton, Washington
Reason for dining out:  Date with my "Little Guy Foodie"
Bonus features:  Little Guy chopstick usage.  SO sweet!  They also had a bouncy rocking horse for him to ride while we waited for the food.
Food ordered:  Crab wontons and Pad Si Ew (no stars)
Items of inspiration: None, other than the chopstick hint
Chance of repeat visit:  More than likely, but probably as another date with The Little Guy.

We started with the crab wontons which had a cream cheese center.  They were good, but not fantastic and truth be told, we both would have been happier just having the Pad Si Ew.  So next time, we'll just get that.  He did say they were super crunchy and extra creamy and the sauce was yummy, but I think more shredded carrots on the side went into his mouth (not a bad thing of course!).

But then the main deal came out... the Pad Si Ew.  He was making up songs about Pad Si Ew... can you think of anything cuter?  I can.  The chopstick usage!  He never picked up his fork... not once.  The chopsticks are those lovely wooden, break 'em apart before you use them kind.  So I didn't break them apart!  They worked just like the plastic "M" looking ones you can buy.  He was in HEAVEN!  He ate three servings full and only stopped because we were needing to get on our way.  Most fun is how expressive he is and how he has everyone in stitches with how great the Pad Si Ew is.  It was moments like this that I hope to remember for a long long time.  Oh if only I could think of a way to post the Pad Si Ew song...


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