Friday, March 16, 2012

Melrose Grill

Okay this was fun.  The Critic set me up on a date... with my good friend The Photographer (because I can't find a better name for her right now... so when you've come up with one... because I know you are watching to see when this one is published and YES I'm about a month over due so most sincere apologies... anyway, let me know what you want to be called.  You're likely to be featured a lot around here, you know).

She suggested Melrose Grill and I was all for it because I had never been.  When I got there, I was even MORE all for it.  Oh my gosh, where have you been all my life???  I love this place and can't wait to go back.

First off, I sat at the bar, near the end, watching the chefs work in the kitchen.  I think I've made it abundantly clear that I could never tire of this type of entertainment.  It's the difference between watching sports on TV and being there watching the action live.  No substitute.

Second observation... make sure you are hungry when you come here.  That might seem obvious but the plates of food are HUGE and if you arrive hungry, take more than half your entree home, you will feel over full and have at least two... maybe three meals of leftovers.  And it will all be worth it.

Third observation... Best. Scallops. Ever.  That's saying something.  Because I have definitely eaten enough scallops to make sure I'm right about this.

Lastly... I have the best friends on the planet and today just proved that.  Love spending time with that Photographer!!!

Beautiful salad of tomato, balsamic, blue cheese, and onion.  The blue cheese was too strong for me, but I will forgive them.  I just love this place too much.
Seriously gorgeous.  I added the steak skewer because it's a steak house and I figured I'd be missing out.  I wouldn't have.  I am literally drooling looking at these scallops and wishing I had even one right now.  Each one of those can easily be cut into about 8 very filling bites.  They are the size of my palm.  No kidding.  Drool.

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