Sunday, October 7, 2012

Calico Cupboard

Over the weekend we had the opportunity to visit with my folks and some friends of theirs, visiting from out of town.  We learned that Skagit Valley has a "Farm Festival" which is sort of a combination between the tulip festival (only in the fall) and a bunch of pumpkin patches on steroids.  The neat thing is just how varied the idea of "farm" around here is... there was an apple orchard, a winery, a dairy farm, and a shellfish farm, just to name a few.  Our family had an incredible time at three farms and each founds something great to enjoy.

In the midst of it, we stopped for a break for lunch.  I think this speaks well to my interest in this blog because it never even occurred to me to take pictures.  In this case, it wasn't about the food -- it was about the people and the time with them.  It just so happens that the food is also amazingly out of this world and worth the trip!  I wasn't really looking forward to it.  It seems like the kind of place that would be a typical heavy bakery and, quite honestly, I was concerned about The Guys' tastes and that they wouldn't find anything they liked.  Well low-and-behold, they had a plain cheeseburger.  And it came with a gingerbread boy!  That made for one happy Big Guy dude... let me tell you!  FIT didn't fare to poorly either.  He enjoyed his first ever peanut butter and banana sandwich with a snickerdoodle the size of his cute adorable face.  Precious.  And delicious.

For me, I just decided on the garden salad.  Remember when I said that I wouldn't blog about it if it wasn't blog worthy?  Well, it was!  A simple garden salad was AMAZINGLY fresh and delicious. I had the oriental dressing with was low-fat on the side, but came with exactly the right amount.  I should have ordered it without the croutons but they were oh-so-tasty that I was okay that I forgot to ask those to be omitted.  And the bread on the side, OH THE BREAD ON THE SIDE.  That was so delicious.  I highly recommend a stop here if you're finding yourself on that long drive between Seattle and Bellingham.  Definitely tastier than I recalled. 

And check out the farm festival next fall.  With 16 blog followers, I'm allowed to let you in on that.  Too many more people who find out about it so that it becomes, oh, say, the tulip festival, and I'll have to put that on my "that was a nice thing to do before the crowds showed up" list.

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