Friday, January 25, 2013


A rare treat -- I found myself not working for once with no plans.  I called The Critic and was pleased to find out we could have a lunch date!  His suggestion was Pesos. 

Pesos, I learned, is owned by the same folks who own Toulouse Petit.  Which makes sense -- it looks very similar.  The fun in this place is the Mexican inspiration.  This isn't your run-of-the-mill Mexican food though.  Much like Toulouse Petit is "Cajun" I'd say this is "Mexican".  Super fun, super fresh, super tasty.  In short, I'd like one of everything on the menu please.  Okay, maybe not.

For me, it was soup and salad.  Both were delicious and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.  I really found all the soups and salads interesting... when (not if) I return I'm sure I'll try a different one.  Not because there was anything wrong with it though.

Shrimp and Corn Soup -- Super tasty and best dumping those fried tortilla strips right into it.  YUM!

Grilled Shrimp and Avocado salad -- Dressing was a bit light but it was good and there was nothing left by the time I finished it, which is usually a good sign.

The main star -- Steak Sandwich with a delicious thing to dip it into.  Fries are perfection.  As The Critic says, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this sandwich.  He's right.  It was delicious!

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