Friday, August 15, 2014


We headed up to Bellingham for the weekend and got stuck in MAROR traffic the whole way, so rather than push it all the way up we decided to stop at Carino's in Mt. Vernon.  The great news is that The Dad was able to join us -- always a treat.

I had the wedge salad which I have always enjoyed -- I shared some with The Dad who agreed it was delicious and even had enough for leftovers.  Surprisingly, this wedge salad is equally delicious even two days later! 

Gotta love that they have diet coke -- unless you're The Big Guy.  His main problem with that means no rootbeer.  Diet coke means Barq's rootbeer.  Barq's has bite -- aka caffeine.  Which is kind of a no-no when you're nearly nine.  But his luck was that they had bottomless Italian sodas!  Score!  He had peach and vanilla and FIT had cherry twice (I think).  All were big hits -- no cream.

Main course for me was the bowtie pasta.  I like it a lot but it probably isn't the healthiest option.  I broke The Critic's heart when I asked if he was getting The Cuban -- turns out I had a different specials menu that was outdated.  He got a chicken parm panini and liked it fine.  He asked for the Parmesan fries and I'm pretty sure he didn't get those.  The Dad got the jambalaya and gave me a taste -- very tasty!

For The Guys it was bowtie pasta for The Big Guy, plain, with a meatball.  He didn't really like the meatball so hopefully posting this will remind us of that the next time we go.  FIT got spaghetti with butter and Parmesan which he said was fine -- but not as good as Old Spaghetti Factory.

Love this restaurant and how convenient it is when we head to Bellingham.  Bonus is that there was PLENTY of space for us to park, even though we were pulling the boat.

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