Friday, September 26, 2014

Claim Jumper

The fam took a trip to Claim Jumper a few weeks ago.  Just a few notes on it:

They've tried to give it a "fresh face" lift or something -- it's now "CJ's" with fancy cursive. I mean, it's still Claim Jumper -- not sure the image upgrade will work in their favor.

SUPER glad we have the Landry's Club Card.  Earned a $25 reward to spend within a year.

Their BBQ stuffed shrimp is SO good.  I got the appetizer portion and would do the dinner size next time. 

They made the tri-tip/rib combo for The Critic/FIT.  We put in a request that they put it back on the menu (it's not currently).

The Big Guy does not like the pasta here.  He does, however like the macaroni and cheese.

We miss the mini i-declair.  (well, 3/4 of "we" -- I'm fine without it)

No more cornbread equals frowny face for most of us.  The cheese bread was good but not uniform at all.  Too much cheese for The Big Guy (of course).

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