Saturday, November 22, 2014

Embarcadero -- Farmer's Market and Boccalone

No houses to look at today.  Boo!  What good is a house hunting trip where you can't hunt houses?  And it was POURING all morning.  Boo! 

Eventually, and thankfully, the rain poured off and we began to get excited about the idea of moving to San Francisco, rather than being worried about what on earth we committed to!  Luckily, on such a beautiful day, two able-bodied adults with NO children to wear them down were able to literally walk the city of San Francisco all day.  We walked from Union Square to The Embarcadero/Ferry Terminal, then down the Embarcadero to Fisherman's Wharf, up through Giradelli Square, back toward town, up through China town, and eventually back to Union Square.  And it took us all day.  That's ok... we were learning to explore our new home.

While at the Ferry Terminal we went to the Farmer's Market.  We will be visiting this market with The Guys when we all get to SF.  The Critic came up with the awesome idea of giving everyone a certain amount of cash and saying "find something to share".  More later on how that ends up.

While there we ate at a stand that had some lamb merguez and hot dogs.  They were quite tasty!  And we went to Boccalone.  This is a foodie stop for me as I've been intrigued by the "meat cone" idea for a while.  It's pretty neat and we were able to get one easily.  One of the meats was a bit soft/slimy for me, but the other two were good.  At $5 it's not a ridiculous expense either. 

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