Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Roasted Cauliflower recipe

I had a request to publish some of the recipes I've made as a result of going out to restaurants and finding inspiration.  So here is the recipe I created after going to Poppy on Capitol Hill and trying their roasted cauliflower.  Let's not make this a copyright issue people... this is what my palate detected when I had it.  These recipes are my own unless I link to something that is published on the web and if any chef is ever kind enough to give me his or her real recipe, I will be happy to note it correctly.  Also I cook by adding a bit of this and a pinch of that, so sorry that I don't have official amounts.  Don't you hate that?  Yeah, me too.  Sorry.

Roasted Cauliflower

One head of cauliflower
Drizzled seasame oil (not too much, not too little... vague enough?)
One large shallot, chopped
One bunch of dill, fronds only, chopped
Grated parmesan, a small handful
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste... and you can add more at the end if necessary

Chop the cauliflower super small so it cooks up quickly and evenly.  You can use the stalks as long as its chopped up.  Don't use the green leaves though.  Blech.  Everything should be about the same size.  Mix it all together and dump it onto a rimmed cookie sheet, jelly roll pan, or some other type of roasting pan.  Cook it in a 425 degree oven for at least 30 min., stirring occasionally.  Brown is good, dark brown is fine.  Black is bad.  Eh, black is okay, but not as good as brown?  It's hard to overcook this dish, in my opinion.

And yes, that's it.  I'll post a picture after I make it on Christmas at the request of The Critic.  If you are good, I might even post a picture of different stages of the cooking process!!!  Merry Christmas!

PS.  If you post a comment on here of recipes you'd like me to publish, I probably will.  And if you have a recipe you'd like me to try, that could be fun too.  Comment away people!  Sometimes I forget anyone is there waiting for me to publish something.  :-)

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