Sunday, June 26, 2011

Old MacDonald Had a French Fry

Sigh.  It was inevitable.  And The Critic said I had a pass on blogging about it, but I said this was part accountability journal, and so this is the accountability part.

Restaurant name: McDonald's
Food type:  Oh please.  If you don't know... well, I kind of envy you.  Fast food.
Category: First Time Ever!  (yeah right)
Location:  Maple Valley, Washington
Reason for dining out:  "Hangry" Guys post church
Bonus features:  New play area, and, well, the food isn't THAT bad if it's been a while since you've eaten there.
Food ordered:  Quarter Pounder with cheese minus pickle, french fries, and diet coke (I snuck an apple as well)
Items of inspiration: Really?  REALLY?  Do I really need to ask?  No!
Chance of repeat visit:  Never!  (yeah right)

Annnnnnd.... that's all I have to say about that!

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