Saturday, April 21, 2012


I had a chance to go to date night with The Critic and we decided to hit Melrose... repeat for me and a first time for him.  It was amazing, of course.  We spent time in the bar at the same place I sat before and then enjoyed some of the same food.  I had a house salad this time, which had black eyed peas and corn and some other things I can't recall anymore but was alright.  I liked the flavors okay but the star, again, was the main proteins.  Steak for The Critic and the scallops again for me.  We're entertaining the idea of having The Guys come with us sometime but The Photographer has a REAL problem with this and says it should be a place for grown-ups only!  Time will tell.
House Salad
Scallops, served differently this time but I was never told how.  I did like the first preparation better.  But any scallop (cooked correctly) is a yummy scallop in my book!  Rice pilaf in the back wasn't necessary, by the way (not horrible... just not delicious)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New food at Mama's

Went to Mama's again with my girls... 2 of them anyway.  They had some new items on the Happy One-Hour menu so we decided to try a couple out.

Crispy Fennel and Artichokes with a something-or-other aioli.  Good and addicting (of course they are also fried).  Good "bar food"
I should not eat this... I should not eat this... I should not eat this... aka baked ziti mac and cheese.  Yes, it's quite yum.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Have I told the Friday the 13th story on this blog?

No matter... I'll either tell it once or tell it again.  Back in an OH so long ago time that still feels like a moment ago, The Critic and I were young 20 somethings dating.  After a while of this, feelings of love began to stir (please stop gagging... this is the romantic part).   Ever the planner, The Critic decided to wait until our first Valentine's Day to tell me he loved me.  Awwwww.... he's sweet.

Only we had the day wrong.

Since our first Valentine's Day together was actually a Saturday and we were going to a wedding, we decided to go out the night before.  So after a little while, we realized that The Critic's actual first profession of love for me was on... Friday the 13th.

So now we go out on a date each Friday the 13th (we've missed only a couple).  We had been alternating who plans the event, but lately we're just coming up with something together.  Tonight, The Critic's sister offered to watch The Guys overnight, so we went to Toulouse Petit for their awesome happy hour menu, then to Kirkland for a comedy show (yes, we had some food but it wasn't very memorable and I forgot to take notes so no blog entry for it) and finally to see the Hunger Games.... which I liked a lot.

But here's the repeat of Toulouse Petit.  Most of it was blogged about HERE when I went with Nala and Tanner's mom, but the results were same taste, though many looked quite different.

Corn Grits... still LOVE these
Fried chicken
Fried Bacon
Collard greens -- much prettier this time but a stronger vinegar taste than I remembered... and The Critic doesn't like vinegar.  That's okay.  He ate some yucky mushrooms and I ate these instead.
Pork Belly sliders.  Be ware the big ol' blog of straight dijon that is "gluing" the sandwich to the plate. 
Chocolate lava cake, pistachio inspired this time.  I liked the roasted peanuts a bit better, but it was still good