Friday, November 21, 2014

French Restaurant -- I think it was Bouche?

This is a perfect example of how to use the company dime to try a place you would never otherwise consider.

We needed a spot that was open late and found this little... and I mean little... French restaurant that was open until 1:00 or 2:00.  And they had duck which The Critic was actually craving (weird thing to crave, don't you think?) so we went.  HOW CUTE IS THIS PLACE???  I swear they can only seat 20 people total and possibly not even that many.

First up -- crispy pork belly.  Very tasty.

Critic's dinner -- Duck.  Delicious.  Came on Farro that was quite tasty.  The rillettes were not a texture The Critic enjoyed.  I was fine with it. 

My dinner -- Ummm... I don't remember.  I'm not a main dish person.  I remember my sides though.  Polenta (yum) and fall veggies.  It was great.  It was also late.  And we were VERY tired.

We also had dessert.  What was dessert?  I have no idea.  Did I mention we were tired?

Such a cute little french restaurant -- get a reservation and try it at least once.  I do recommend going when you aren't exhausted just so you can actually remember the experience.

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