Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I'm baaaa--aackkkk!

December 2014 = last post.  Let's see... what's different than that time in my life?  Oh that's right... EVERYTHING! 

First, I'm no longer in Seattle.  Moved to the Bay Area 3 1/2 years ago. 

Second, I am back at work full-time. 

Third, the FITs are much much MUCH bigger.  The Big Guy is bigger than me.  For blog purposes, he'll be TBG.  The Little Guy (TLG) will be there soon enough. 

Most significantly, it's just the three of us.  We are the Three Musketeers now. 

If you know me, you know bits about the rest.  And if you don't... feel free to ask I suppose. 

I was driving back from downtown SF today where I did a tour of AT&T park and was thinking, as I often do, about what I'm going to do while The Guys are with their dad for the next four days.  I began creating a supper club in my brain, but when I went to think about how to find 3 other willing participants I found too many "musts" and "must nots".  For example:

*Not be picky
*Be willing to go out once a week
*Be willing to order a variety of foods

More importantly Must Not
*Order Cali style
*Flake out
*Complain about driving to a variety of places in the Bay Area

See -- I've taken notes since I moved based on Check Please, Bay Area, which airs on PBS here but I've rarely gone out to those particular restaurants.  And the more I focused on the "musts" and the "must nots" the more I realized that, for now, it will be best if it's just me.

Which reminded me of the blog.  Now I can have a conversation with myself about these places.  Here's the plan:

I will go on alternate Tuesdays or Thursdays to one restaurant featured on CPBA.  My "review and talk about" will include the show standards:

Ease of getting to
Started wtih
Also had (main course)
Wrap it up with a quick summary

And that's it.  It will basically allow me to get out of the house once a week and get around the Bay Area and do something for myself.  :)

So stay tuned!

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