Monday, July 7, 2014

Tomato Street

I have a love/hate relationship with this blog.  I have used it as a reference, been frustrated when I can't find what I need, and have NO time to update it.  What to do?

Our family just returned from a driving trip that took us to Couer d'Alene, ID, up to Banff National Park in Canada, then Jasper, followed by Vancouver, B.C., and finally Bellingham on the 4th of July.  The result was so.much.eating.out it was borderline ridiculous.  Strike that.  Just ridiculous.

Side note.  There's a Texas Roadhouse in Ellensburg, WA.  Repeat.  There is a Texas Roadhouse in Ellensburg, WA.  That would have been good to know -- will be good to know when we go to Moses Lake next week with the boat.

Okay -- Tomato Street.  Years ago we were in Couer d'Alene with The Guys so we could hit Silverwood Theme Park and enjoy a family vacation -- like 6 years ago.  So now these guys are 7 and almost 9 and we returned.  I remember seeing Tomato Street when we were there before and thinking it'd be a dive Denny's-esque Italian place.  With The Big Guy's food allergies (eggs and dairy) Italian was a no-no spot.  Not surprising we passed it by.

Huge mistake.  Huge.

This is the best food we've had in a LONG time.  I really wish I could remember all the details that were so great.  I can't -- it was too long of a trip and at the time I had visions of writing notes on all the spots we dined at (ha!).  I will have to keep it short and sweet and photo-free and just say it was A.MAZ.ING.  Go there.  Now.  Drive in your car.  Seriously!

Bollos -- amazing.  They were mini calzones with a meatball inside them (note to self -- must make these sometime).  The alfredo and marinara sauces are both so good -- dip the complimentary garlic bread in them.  Oh yeah. 

Smoked salmon chowder -- delicious.  So was the tomato basil soup.  Dip the bread in that, too.  Oh yeah.

Even the salad!  I don't know what was special about it anymore at all... but even the salad was positively delicious.  

The Critic is still talking about his delicious sandwich.  Pressed something-or-other with deliciousness oozing out of it.  

And The Big Guy and I "shared" something called the Mac Daddy which was a mac and cheese with pancetta maybe?  jalapenos... I don't remember.  But it was GOOD! 

The Little Guy (FIT) had a LASAGNA CALZONE PEOPLE!  It had a very clever name, but I can't remember it to save my life.

And our dessert was a pzookie of sorts.  Who cares?  It was delicious.

The portions were huge -- seriously.  We had so much food it was ridiculous and could have fed at least three small countries.  So. Worth. It.  

So if you find yourself in Couer d'Alene, hit up Tomato Street.   Heck I'm considering a roadtrip again just to go there.  It's only a 6 hour drive away...

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