Monday, October 31, 2011

I have a cold

When I get sick, I don't want to cook.  I don't want to eat either, but then I get grouchy.  So when I started grumbling at the FIT as he was whiny about his Hot Dog on a Stick and lemonade at the Supermall, I decided I needed something too.  I opted for the "lite plate" at some random Chinese place next to HDoaS.  Big. Mistake.

I love it (and by love it I mean I find it the most ridiculous thing ever) when someone says something is "lite".  First off, if you make up how to spell it, it's not.  Not low-cal, not leaves you feeling with that I-could-run-a-marathon feeling.  Nope.  If it's "lite" it means "this is the least amount of food you can get here but it will still leave you feeling like you consumed a small truckload of bricks drenched in oil and deep fried."  Enter my lunch... general tso's and chow mein noodles.  It was greasy.  It was gross.  It left me feeling hungry and full all at the same time.  I hate that.  Yuck.  Big mistake and I wish I would learn!  I knew better...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tutta Bella in Seattle

The family stopped in for some Neapolitan pizza at Tutta Bella in Wallingford while getting a part to fix the car.  We all enjoyed the flat bread with fresh tomato sauce to dip.  The boys shared a delicious meatball pizza and The Critic and I had one with red peppers and sausage.  Wish we'd had something with salami though, as it looked amazing!  Overall, no pics, but a good lunch.  I think I like Pulcinella's better though.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Food trucks take 3!!!

Okay this was just AWESOME!  I went to the Women of Faith conference in Seattle and was THRILLED to discover that The Seattle Center Mobile Feast was scheduled for the SAME DAY!  So I ditched their provided box lunch, grabbed Nala and Tanner's Mommy, and headed over to the BEST LUNCH EVER!

Here's the cool part.  I actually know these trucks now!  Names, food types, etc.  So I first headed with NaTM to Big Food.  This is the truck that at the Food Truck Rodeo that had those delicious grilled flat breads with stuff on them.  Picture here is from September, but still good stuff.  I had the beef and made NaTM get the chicken.  I absolutely love this truck and it is my hands down favorite at events like this.

This was the sampler plate from the Food Truck Rodeo.  Today I just had the beef, which is at the top
Next up... Kaosamai.  I haven't eaten at this truck because they've always had "normal" Thai food (like Pad Thai) that just doesn't interest me.  Today they had both Pad See Ew and Chicken Red Curry.  I was talked into the Red Curry.  It was good, but a bit too spicy for me and simply not special enough to warrant returning to at my next food truck festival.  Still glad I got the chance to try.  

Stop 3 was for NaTM.  Still not sure what the name of that truck was.  I only had a few bites of it... some type of breaded meat on a sandwich.  By this time, well, I was more than full.

That is, until, I read the menu of the Blue Truck Special.  This truck was NOT speedy.  But the food they produce is outstanding and worth the wait.  I had a hard time choosing between the pork belly sliders and the grilled "bologna" sandwich.  Remember I'm so full at this point I don't even want to think about food!  I asked the gal and her answer conflicted me.  "The pork belly sliders are totally the best.  But if you're even asking about it, that grilled "bologna" sandwich is mindblowing."  I told her that "mindblowing" is an adjective I can't pass up and ordered that.  And... it was.  The mortadella is so soft it just melts.  And there was this jam/chutney on it.  It was, sublime.  Oh if only I had been hungry!

And with that, I headed back to the conference.  Very full... over full.  Still happy.  I smuggled in half of the bologna sandwich for later (but left it on the floor... oh sad day).  

Fast forward to a few hours later and the conference was over.  But the mobile fest was NOT!  I was on my way back to see The Critic and The Guys and ultimately decided I could be a hero in The Critic's eyes and bring him a Cuban from Snout.  Oh Happy Day!  So that's just what I did.  I had made friends with these guys earlier when I informed them that The Critic LOVES their Cuban and had been known to be disappointed when he drove to where they were supposed to be but couldn't find them.  Their reaction?  "Really?"  I loved the humility.  Their food is really good.  I decided to get the Punkin Picadillo for me (still not hungry after lunch but they could box it to go for me).  This turned out to be my smartest move of the day.  My weekend would leave me with car trouble that stranded me in the middle of Seattle sitting in my car for about 2 1/2 hours.  And I had this delicious Punkin Picadillo when hunger finally hit.  I was surprised by the ground beef, for some reason I figured it would have been shredded, but it was a really yummy dish that had a lot of flavor.  If anyone in my family besides me would eat it, I would figure out a similar recipe. 

The Seattle Center Mobile Food Fest was wonderful, even though I certainly consumed WAY too much this time. 

Toulouse Petit

Enjoying a dinner with Nala and Tanner's Mommy post Women of Faith conference. She's teaching me how to use the blogger app... I'm introducing her to dining Coach Foodie style!

We headed to  Toulouse Petit for the best happy hour menu around Seattle.  The Critic introduced me to this place and it is yummy.  They refer to themselves as sort of cajun/soulfoodish.  I call them yummy and cheap!  Here is the line up, from awesomest to not-so-much.

Corn grits.  These are DIVINE!  And the cheapest thing on the menu we ordered at $3.50.  They have creole seasoning which makes it taste super yummy.  They are so good... lots more food than it looks like here.

A close second.  Braised mustard greens.  NaTM wanted to order these since they "remind me of my Mama's cooking!" They did not disappoint.

Fried bacon with a maple glaze.  Mmmmm... this stuff was good.  There were good bites and there were HEAVENLY bites.  Mmm.... must order again!
The buttermilk chicken bites are good.  They are the right amount of "crispy" and definitely are salted correctly.  But we both felt they missed out on a "zip" we were expecting.  Still tasty... just not as explosive in flavor as the grits and greens.

No sugar coating this.  These were nasty.  We both tried a few times.  They tasted almost raw and way too briny.  Too soft.  Not my favorite at all.  They made it right, listened to our feedback, and removed them from the bill.  They were the most expensive item at $7.

In what is becoming an increasing trend, I forgot to take pictures before diving in to the scrumptious desserts.  The favorite was a warm chocolate lava cake, which didn't ooze like they typically do and had a nice balance of peanut flavor, including some DELICIOUS crunchy glazed peanuts.  Mmmm!  And the other we got were the beignets.  I think they have a chicory sauce on the side, but it might be coffee.  Good... not stellar in my book.  But definitely thinking of going again.  You know, I just might have those corn grits for dessert!  Who cares if they're savory???

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jimmy Mac's Roadhouse

A while back we tried to go to The Original Roadhouse in Federal Way only to hear they were closed.  A devastated Big Guy has been wanting to go to "the peanut place" ever since.  My folks were in town and this afforded us the perfect opportunity to go to Jimmy Mac's Roadhouse in Renton.  Really good food here!

 I started with this salad... can't remember it's official name but it is YUM-MY!  I mean, really.  I get tired of the run of the mill greens, carrots, cucumbers, ranch... this one has a bunch of stuff including toasted pecans and blue cheese and a tasty vinaigrette.  Love it!

Main course -- once again the photo is taken much much much later than it should have been.  That's why you only see about two grilled shrimp left (and one tail up on the side).  There were a lot more shrimp but they were consumed by the FIT and The Critic.  And me.  The vegetables?  Meh.  Take 'em or leave 'em... next time I'll likely leave 'em.  The start of this plate is the salmon!  Yes, I said that.  It seems so weird to come to this place which seems like steak would be the star and get salmon.  Plus those who know me as me and not just as The Coach Foodie know The Critic grills the best salmon around.  So good that I *never* order it out.  This is really that good.  It is as good as The Critic's.  High praise, considering I've tried salmon in some fantastic seafood restaurants and can't say that very often.

So a fun place to eat!  We'll be back... and we'll order the salmon again!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mama Stortini's (the other one)

Another night out with my girls.  Another happy hour at Mama Stortini's.  Only this, time we went to "the other" one.  May have been the original... not sure.  It was amazing!  Celebrated C's birthday in style (complete with light up tiara, balloons, feather boa...).  The ambiance was much more "grown-up" than the Kent one.  Soft jazz playing in the background, tall tables to sit at, fancier glasses.  Here's the problem.  Around 9:45 one of my friends asked for a dessert menu and the server sort of sighed a bit, but brought it to her.  We then noticed we were alone in the bar.  Hmmmm.... we clued in when he came back.  Were they closed?  Yep, he said.  Closed at 9:30.  WHAT?!?!?  The Kent one is open until midnight!  So guess what... the happy "hour" is just that... one hour.  8:30 to 9:30.  Luckily we were able to find a place to continue the birthday party just down the road.  Which had karaoke with a LIVE BAND!  Chalk that up to a new experience everyone should have.  Too. Much. Fun.  By the way, if you don't have friends like my 3 girls... well, YOU NEED TO FIND SOME!!!!
Gnocchi with marinara sauce.  My girls do not appreciate this dish.  I do.  And so does Weight Watchers!!!


The Big Guy had half days this week, and the FIT's school is at the other time of the day.  This gave me the chance to be Super Mom and take them to "Yucky's"... I mean Shari's.  Don't get me wrong, it's not that it's such a bad place, it's just that it never seems to be something I crave.  And truthfully, it's not that inexpensive so it's hard to rationalize.  But it is The Guys favorite spot to have a lunch (or breakfast).  Well, I can honestly say that the entire experience was pleasant!  Even when I got the bill... pleasantly surprised!  They must have had some sort of menu change because our entire bill, including tax and tip, was less than $25 and we went home with boxes.  My treat for the day was that I got their lunch combo, which included a soup or salad, a panini, AND a piece of pie!  So here is mine... grilled reuben panini with this delicious little salad which had an Asian dressing, candied pecans, and bleu cheese.  Happiness.  Now if they'd just start serving Diet Coke!

 Yes, I noticed I took the picture after a couple bites.  I was HUNGRY!  Proof that I'm less about presentation and more about flavor, I suppose.

For those interested in kids' options, Shari's has a lot.  They now include hot chocolate with their kids' meals (or they did with ours) plus they get one side.  This took a little negotiating... I think it's a new plan.  But with options like a veggie plate, different fruit options, or soup... well, it's worth bartering.  Big Guy got a steak with french fries (and ate all but four bites) which was one of the pricier options.  FIT got scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast with jelly, and mixed fruit.

Overall, yes I'll return... maybe next time The Big Guy has a week of half days?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Old Spaghetti Factory

Love a chance to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory when it isn't a regular trip.  The Critic wanted to go to get a panini (which they only have for lunch).  I love that The Guys get lots of healthy options for their lunch, and The Guys love their "rainbow" ice cream at the end.  We're all fans of the spumoni.  I ordered the mizithra cheese and brown butter spaghetti... no surprise there.  Each time I go I think I might branch out and try something new, but really, that's all I want and it's a TREAT to eat it!  I also get their salad with the blue cheese dressing, which is nothing special but still what I get.  And I enjoy the bread.  Don't love it, but I do enjoy it.  This time around it was pretty comical to listen to the server try and take all those free (all-inclusive) items and try and get us to spend more money.  "Welcome to the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Would you like to start out with something to drink like an Italian Soda for the kids?"  No, the included apple juice will do just fine.  "Can I bring you some garlic cheese bread to start?"  No, the bread you give every table will do JUST FINE!  I was surprised she didn't ask if we needed a chocolate mousse cake at the end.  I did notice another lady sitting with her granddaughter who had both an Italian soda and the garlic cheese toast, so I guess it never hurts to ask!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Return to the Salish Lodge

I have never been treated with VIP status until now.  Let me tell you... it is definitely all that and a bag of chips! 

So this is our return to Salish Lodge... the one that they comped us after our not-so-great experience last time.  Let me be abundantly clear.  We had no complaints with the food... while there wasn't just a ton of flavor in what we ate, we recognize that summer flavors are light.  And that's one of the reasons we opted to take our get-away weekend in the fall... season of comfort food!  So we returned for a night sans Guys and enjoyed an exquisite meal.  And this time, it was made clear to the staff that they all had to be nice to us!  Really!  The waitress fessed up toward the end.  I think she figured we couldn't possibly be that bad.  Well... we aren't!  (when the experience is so much better).  We ate two meals here, but really only have pictures of dinner.  And even then you'll notice, er, they are less than, um, magazine worthy.  Usually it's about like this.  "Oh wow!  That's so good.  Here, you have to try this!  I know, right?  What's that flavor in the... oh shoot!  Forgot the picture! Darn it!"  You can tell that even now, when we eat, our first priority is filling our stomachs and satisfying hunger!

My scallops appetizer.  Two were carmelized (on top) two were not (on bottom).  Not sure why that was... definitely better with the sear but everything on this plate is delicious.

The Critic's crab bisque.  Poured around table side with fresh cracked pepper.  And it was delish!

Most humble and sincere apologies for the blob of fat and the steak bleeding out.  Funny story though.  A couple next to our table ordered this beautiful steak and BOTH of them asked for well done.  And both The Critic and I did a face palm and shook our heads.  Honestly people, do not eat steak if it doesn't have some pink.  That's just not right... and I would think the poor chef dies a little when you do that!

My bravery for the night paid off in the BEST way.  This is oxtail with sweet potato gnocchi.  It was about twice this size when I started eating it... still tiny.  Has a tiny poached quail egg on the top which creates an amazingly rich sauce when you break it.  That's fried sage and toasted tiny pumpkin seeds as well.   This is one of the richest foods I have ever eaten and I would go back and eat it again tomorrow if I could.  Hmmmm... there's a thought!

In addition we had a wonderful dessert of chocolate chestnut bread pudding, which wasn't nearly as "bread pudding" as I expected... more like chocolate cake.  Very good, but with their delicious truffles, dessert is not necessary in my opinion.

Oh!  And we went to The Attic (their casual bar) upstairs afterward and I enjoyed a caramel apple martini!  Okay... maybe it was three?  So yummy.  And the stir stick is one of those caramel apple lollipops, which is just fun.  I don't recommend trying to bite it though... not if you like your teeth.


My only pick of breakfast... my pour-over coffee service.  So fun to get to add in my own shaved chocolate and whipped cream.  Truth be told, my refill of regular drip had more flavor.  But still, isn't it pretty?  Forgot to take pictures of the vanilla and spice infused waffles and the croissant french toast that were our main course.  If we were to return I wouldn't get the waffles without The Guys... they had my leftovers the next day and LOVED adding all the extras to them.  But then I'm kind of a coffee only gal for breakfast anyway.

Well played, Salish Lodge.  Your royal treatment paid off.  We will definitely return for dinner.  We'll just make sure to do so in the fall or winter.  Thanks for the star treatment.  We were in awe.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy At The Bay Teriyaki

Lunch with FIT... I love this kid.

We decided to try out a new teriyaki place.  He was sold from the moment he saw the shrimp.  So I agreed to get the plate with the teriyaki chicken, rice, salad, and tempura shrimp.  I must say I only had about 2 bites of the shrimp.  He loved it and said it was delicious.

FIT's drink.  He only drank about half of it, but it was special to him.

Our plate.  Chicken was fine, sauce was good but not Fuji quality, and the salad dressing was.... not good.  

Overall, I think this is likely not a place we will frequent.  But it is SO fun to take this kid to lunch. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Keg

When The Big Guy's away, the rest of us will enjoy a meal out with real food.  This all began with asking the FIT one tiny little question.

Have you ever had lobster?

The Critic has a birthday celebration which gives him some money to burn at The Keg.  The Keg is one of our first true great food memories.  Back in our dating days, we used to frequent the Whistler Keg for a meal of bacon wrapped scallops and French onion soup after a long day of skiing.  The critic learned to make his own "FOS" after indulging at this restaurant.  Then, years ago, the parent of one of my students asked if I'd like to be a "secret shopper" for her.  She would give us a gift card (anywhere from $75 to $100) and we'd go just like any other customer.  We felt like ROYALTY!  It was awesome and we loved getting to give valuable feedback.  But honestly, we just loved the food!  Also, this restaurant was a favorite of The Critic's dad... so lots of memories in this dark little steakhouse.

The night began with FIT's complimentary kid plate, which I thought was nice since I wasn't buying him a kid's meal.  I mean really... the "cheap" ones are over $8 and while that's nice, he's eating steak and lobster tonight... off my plate, thank you very much.  So he began with carrots, celery, ranch, crackers and oranges.  He inhaled the whole thing.  Excellent! 

I started with my favorite -- the wedge salad.  So typical yet still so good.  Where was this salad my whole growing up years?  Oh yes... sitting underneath a mound of bleu cheese I had yet to acquire a taste for.  Said taste is now fully acquired, thank you very much!

As a table we also shared the amazing tempura snap peas and asparagus.  Green french fries, we call them.  Super yum and good. 

And finally.. the main course.  Yes, steak and lobster.  FIT LOVED it of course (he said that it was so cool you got to dip it in butter!).  It is now firmly in his top 3 foods of all time (only preceded by "noodle soup" -- top ramen, and pad see ew).  Good thing he likes shrimp because he'll be eating that a lot more often than lobster! 

Finished up with their ever popular chocolate mints.  A good date.  Happy birthday, Critic!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Man Pies

There is really no nice way to write that.  And I'll refrain from bursting out in a Sondheim song... well, at least outside of my own head.

The Critic wanted to try this place after seeing them at the Bellingham Farmer's Market.  Thanks to The Guys for being troopers in trying something new.  I think the promise of ice cream at Lafeen's helped.  The Little Guy (aka the FIT -- Foodie in Training) loved them.  The Big Guy... he gave it an honest effort.  They are really good and, if you find yourself in the Bellingham area, I suggest you go get yourself some MORE HOT PIES!  Oops.... sorry.

As I recall, one was a beef pie and one was pork.  Beyond that, I can't remember the specifics.  But both were really tasty!