Sunday, October 16, 2011

Return to the Salish Lodge

I have never been treated with VIP status until now.  Let me tell you... it is definitely all that and a bag of chips! 

So this is our return to Salish Lodge... the one that they comped us after our not-so-great experience last time.  Let me be abundantly clear.  We had no complaints with the food... while there wasn't just a ton of flavor in what we ate, we recognize that summer flavors are light.  And that's one of the reasons we opted to take our get-away weekend in the fall... season of comfort food!  So we returned for a night sans Guys and enjoyed an exquisite meal.  And this time, it was made clear to the staff that they all had to be nice to us!  Really!  The waitress fessed up toward the end.  I think she figured we couldn't possibly be that bad.  Well... we aren't!  (when the experience is so much better).  We ate two meals here, but really only have pictures of dinner.  And even then you'll notice, er, they are less than, um, magazine worthy.  Usually it's about like this.  "Oh wow!  That's so good.  Here, you have to try this!  I know, right?  What's that flavor in the... oh shoot!  Forgot the picture! Darn it!"  You can tell that even now, when we eat, our first priority is filling our stomachs and satisfying hunger!

My scallops appetizer.  Two were carmelized (on top) two were not (on bottom).  Not sure why that was... definitely better with the sear but everything on this plate is delicious.

The Critic's crab bisque.  Poured around table side with fresh cracked pepper.  And it was delish!

Most humble and sincere apologies for the blob of fat and the steak bleeding out.  Funny story though.  A couple next to our table ordered this beautiful steak and BOTH of them asked for well done.  And both The Critic and I did a face palm and shook our heads.  Honestly people, do not eat steak if it doesn't have some pink.  That's just not right... and I would think the poor chef dies a little when you do that!

My bravery for the night paid off in the BEST way.  This is oxtail with sweet potato gnocchi.  It was about twice this size when I started eating it... still tiny.  Has a tiny poached quail egg on the top which creates an amazingly rich sauce when you break it.  That's fried sage and toasted tiny pumpkin seeds as well.   This is one of the richest foods I have ever eaten and I would go back and eat it again tomorrow if I could.  Hmmmm... there's a thought!

In addition we had a wonderful dessert of chocolate chestnut bread pudding, which wasn't nearly as "bread pudding" as I expected... more like chocolate cake.  Very good, but with their delicious truffles, dessert is not necessary in my opinion.

Oh!  And we went to The Attic (their casual bar) upstairs afterward and I enjoyed a caramel apple martini!  Okay... maybe it was three?  So yummy.  And the stir stick is one of those caramel apple lollipops, which is just fun.  I don't recommend trying to bite it though... not if you like your teeth.


My only pick of breakfast... my pour-over coffee service.  So fun to get to add in my own shaved chocolate and whipped cream.  Truth be told, my refill of regular drip had more flavor.  But still, isn't it pretty?  Forgot to take pictures of the vanilla and spice infused waffles and the croissant french toast that were our main course.  If we were to return I wouldn't get the waffles without The Guys... they had my leftovers the next day and LOVED adding all the extras to them.  But then I'm kind of a coffee only gal for breakfast anyway.

Well played, Salish Lodge.  Your royal treatment paid off.  We will definitely return for dinner.  We'll just make sure to do so in the fall or winter.  Thanks for the star treatment.  We were in awe.

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