Saturday, October 29, 2011

Food trucks take 3!!!

Okay this was just AWESOME!  I went to the Women of Faith conference in Seattle and was THRILLED to discover that The Seattle Center Mobile Feast was scheduled for the SAME DAY!  So I ditched their provided box lunch, grabbed Nala and Tanner's Mommy, and headed over to the BEST LUNCH EVER!

Here's the cool part.  I actually know these trucks now!  Names, food types, etc.  So I first headed with NaTM to Big Food.  This is the truck that at the Food Truck Rodeo that had those delicious grilled flat breads with stuff on them.  Picture here is from September, but still good stuff.  I had the beef and made NaTM get the chicken.  I absolutely love this truck and it is my hands down favorite at events like this.

This was the sampler plate from the Food Truck Rodeo.  Today I just had the beef, which is at the top
Next up... Kaosamai.  I haven't eaten at this truck because they've always had "normal" Thai food (like Pad Thai) that just doesn't interest me.  Today they had both Pad See Ew and Chicken Red Curry.  I was talked into the Red Curry.  It was good, but a bit too spicy for me and simply not special enough to warrant returning to at my next food truck festival.  Still glad I got the chance to try.  

Stop 3 was for NaTM.  Still not sure what the name of that truck was.  I only had a few bites of it... some type of breaded meat on a sandwich.  By this time, well, I was more than full.

That is, until, I read the menu of the Blue Truck Special.  This truck was NOT speedy.  But the food they produce is outstanding and worth the wait.  I had a hard time choosing between the pork belly sliders and the grilled "bologna" sandwich.  Remember I'm so full at this point I don't even want to think about food!  I asked the gal and her answer conflicted me.  "The pork belly sliders are totally the best.  But if you're even asking about it, that grilled "bologna" sandwich is mindblowing."  I told her that "mindblowing" is an adjective I can't pass up and ordered that.  And... it was.  The mortadella is so soft it just melts.  And there was this jam/chutney on it.  It was, sublime.  Oh if only I had been hungry!

And with that, I headed back to the conference.  Very full... over full.  Still happy.  I smuggled in half of the bologna sandwich for later (but left it on the floor... oh sad day).  

Fast forward to a few hours later and the conference was over.  But the mobile fest was NOT!  I was on my way back to see The Critic and The Guys and ultimately decided I could be a hero in The Critic's eyes and bring him a Cuban from Snout.  Oh Happy Day!  So that's just what I did.  I had made friends with these guys earlier when I informed them that The Critic LOVES their Cuban and had been known to be disappointed when he drove to where they were supposed to be but couldn't find them.  Their reaction?  "Really?"  I loved the humility.  Their food is really good.  I decided to get the Punkin Picadillo for me (still not hungry after lunch but they could box it to go for me).  This turned out to be my smartest move of the day.  My weekend would leave me with car trouble that stranded me in the middle of Seattle sitting in my car for about 2 1/2 hours.  And I had this delicious Punkin Picadillo when hunger finally hit.  I was surprised by the ground beef, for some reason I figured it would have been shredded, but it was a really yummy dish that had a lot of flavor.  If anyone in my family besides me would eat it, I would figure out a similar recipe. 

The Seattle Center Mobile Food Fest was wonderful, even though I certainly consumed WAY too much this time. 

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