Saturday, October 29, 2011

Toulouse Petit

Enjoying a dinner with Nala and Tanner's Mommy post Women of Faith conference. She's teaching me how to use the blogger app... I'm introducing her to dining Coach Foodie style!

We headed to  Toulouse Petit for the best happy hour menu around Seattle.  The Critic introduced me to this place and it is yummy.  They refer to themselves as sort of cajun/soulfoodish.  I call them yummy and cheap!  Here is the line up, from awesomest to not-so-much.

Corn grits.  These are DIVINE!  And the cheapest thing on the menu we ordered at $3.50.  They have creole seasoning which makes it taste super yummy.  They are so good... lots more food than it looks like here.

A close second.  Braised mustard greens.  NaTM wanted to order these since they "remind me of my Mama's cooking!" They did not disappoint.

Fried bacon with a maple glaze.  Mmmmm... this stuff was good.  There were good bites and there were HEAVENLY bites.  Mmm.... must order again!
The buttermilk chicken bites are good.  They are the right amount of "crispy" and definitely are salted correctly.  But we both felt they missed out on a "zip" we were expecting.  Still tasty... just not as explosive in flavor as the grits and greens.

No sugar coating this.  These were nasty.  We both tried a few times.  They tasted almost raw and way too briny.  Too soft.  Not my favorite at all.  They made it right, listened to our feedback, and removed them from the bill.  They were the most expensive item at $7.

In what is becoming an increasing trend, I forgot to take pictures before diving in to the scrumptious desserts.  The favorite was a warm chocolate lava cake, which didn't ooze like they typically do and had a nice balance of peanut flavor, including some DELICIOUS crunchy glazed peanuts.  Mmmm!  And the other we got were the beignets.  I think they have a chicory sauce on the side, but it might be coffee.  Good... not stellar in my book.  But definitely thinking of going again.  You know, I just might have those corn grits for dessert!  Who cares if they're savory???

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