Saturday, September 10, 2011

McD's again again

First soccer practices/games of the year for The Guys.  Plus pictures.  Plus heat (which THANK YOU for finally giving us a summer around here!).  Plus BBQ this afternoon at our house.  All that equals McD's drive through for lunch.

Restaurant name: McDonald's
Food type:  Fast Food
Category:  Previously blogged... twice.  Sad.
Reason for dining out:  Truly a need for fast food.  Bleh... wish it wasn't so.
Bonus features:  None
Food ordered:  Big Mac meal with a diet coke
Items of inspiration: None
Chance of repeat visit: Sadly, yes.  Though I must admit that a once a month average when your Guys are 4 and 6 and you live one mile from the place, well, that's pretty darn good if you ask me!

By the way, The Big Guy got on my last nerve when he asked what our lunch plan was and I said we'd be eating at home and he whined and complained about how we NEVER eat out and it isn't fair.  Dude!  Do you READ my blog?  Oh wait...

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