Saturday, September 24, 2011

Skillet Diner

After Sitka and Spruce, well, we were still hungry!  Rather than go for the mega foodie desserts (which I don't even remember what they were... bad sign), The Critic said he wanted to head to Skillet Diner.  He's been raving about the Skillet Food Truck that he has been able to go to (sniff, without me) several times so I was all for it.  At first I was super disappointed that we didn't just hit that place for dinner.  They had a mac and cheese dish that sounded like pure heaven!  Definitely want to go there sometime, but I might need to check into Harborview immediately following to take care of the heart attack... still.  Someday.

But we went for dessert.  And, in the words of The Critic, the foodie in me rejoiced AND the need for comfort food was satisfied! Hooray!  Two delicious desserts, both of which warrant a revisit someday.

 How fun is it to drink diet coke out of a Mason jar?  Just love this idea.  I do have to mention that The Critic said he got that "cleaner taste" we both are prone to here.  I didn't.  He thinks it's because I used a straw.  I'm not so sure, because that stuff usually is VERY apparent to me.

 This was AWESOME!  Pie in a bowl.  It was a chocolate pudding that had a "housemade cool whip" folded in.  Also had cocoa nibs, sea salt, and pie crust flakes on the top.  It is official.  I will order any, and I mean ANY dessert that has both cocoa nibs and sea salt.  This thing had it all... texture, flavor, super unique and ultra delicious!

Apple pie.  Classic.  Perfect.  And get it... it's in a skillet!  We did end up getting the necessary scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.  Sometimes a dessert just needs to be a classic.  If you're looking for a delicious apple pie, get this one.

Totally going back.  And I think this would be a fun place to take The Guys.  I know they'd love the pie in a bowl and I have to get me some of that mac and cheese (and I should probably share it!).

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