Sunday, October 2, 2011

Man Pies

There is really no nice way to write that.  And I'll refrain from bursting out in a Sondheim song... well, at least outside of my own head.

The Critic wanted to try this place after seeing them at the Bellingham Farmer's Market.  Thanks to The Guys for being troopers in trying something new.  I think the promise of ice cream at Lafeen's helped.  The Little Guy (aka the FIT -- Foodie in Training) loved them.  The Big Guy... he gave it an honest effort.  They are really good and, if you find yourself in the Bellingham area, I suggest you go get yourself some MORE HOT PIES!  Oops.... sorry.

As I recall, one was a beef pie and one was pork.  Beyond that, I can't remember the specifics.  But both were really tasty! 

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