Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The Big Guy had half days this week, and the FIT's school is at the other time of the day.  This gave me the chance to be Super Mom and take them to "Yucky's"... I mean Shari's.  Don't get me wrong, it's not that it's such a bad place, it's just that it never seems to be something I crave.  And truthfully, it's not that inexpensive so it's hard to rationalize.  But it is The Guys favorite spot to have a lunch (or breakfast).  Well, I can honestly say that the entire experience was pleasant!  Even when I got the bill... pleasantly surprised!  They must have had some sort of menu change because our entire bill, including tax and tip, was less than $25 and we went home with boxes.  My treat for the day was that I got their lunch combo, which included a soup or salad, a panini, AND a piece of pie!  So here is mine... grilled reuben panini with this delicious little salad which had an Asian dressing, candied pecans, and bleu cheese.  Happiness.  Now if they'd just start serving Diet Coke!

 Yes, I noticed I took the picture after a couple bites.  I was HUNGRY!  Proof that I'm less about presentation and more about flavor, I suppose.

For those interested in kids' options, Shari's has a lot.  They now include hot chocolate with their kids' meals (or they did with ours) plus they get one side.  This took a little negotiating... I think it's a new plan.  But with options like a veggie plate, different fruit options, or soup... well, it's worth bartering.  Big Guy got a steak with french fries (and ate all but four bites) which was one of the pricier options.  FIT got scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast with jelly, and mixed fruit.

Overall, yes I'll return... maybe next time The Big Guy has a week of half days?

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