Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mama Stortini's (the other one)

Another night out with my girls.  Another happy hour at Mama Stortini's.  Only this, time we went to "the other" one.  May have been the original... not sure.  It was amazing!  Celebrated C's birthday in style (complete with light up tiara, balloons, feather boa...).  The ambiance was much more "grown-up" than the Kent one.  Soft jazz playing in the background, tall tables to sit at, fancier glasses.  Here's the problem.  Around 9:45 one of my friends asked for a dessert menu and the server sort of sighed a bit, but brought it to her.  We then noticed we were alone in the bar.  Hmmmm.... we clued in when he came back.  Were they closed?  Yep, he said.  Closed at 9:30.  WHAT?!?!?  The Kent one is open until midnight!  So guess what... the happy "hour" is just that... one hour.  8:30 to 9:30.  Luckily we were able to find a place to continue the birthday party just down the road.  Which had karaoke with a LIVE BAND!  Chalk that up to a new experience everyone should have.  Too. Much. Fun.  By the way, if you don't have friends like my 3 girls... well, YOU NEED TO FIND SOME!!!!
Gnocchi with marinara sauce.  My girls do not appreciate this dish.  I do.  And so does Weight Watchers!!!

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