Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy At The Bay Teriyaki

Lunch with FIT... I love this kid.

We decided to try out a new teriyaki place.  He was sold from the moment he saw the shrimp.  So I agreed to get the plate with the teriyaki chicken, rice, salad, and tempura shrimp.  I must say I only had about 2 bites of the shrimp.  He loved it and said it was delicious.

FIT's drink.  He only drank about half of it, but it was special to him.

Our plate.  Chicken was fine, sauce was good but not Fuji quality, and the salad dressing was.... not good.  

Overall, I think this is likely not a place we will frequent.  But it is SO fun to take this kid to lunch. 

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