Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm over here frantically treading water!

So a quick update on the craziness that is my life right now.  Yes, we have dined out on occasion (okay, a bit more than occasion) but life is like a runaway train around here!  Both Guys started school (including "real" school for The Big Guy as a kindergartner) and both Guys are gearing up for soccer.  The good news is that we're in a bit more of a schedule.  The bad news, things like this blog fall a bit to the wayside compared to prepped lunches, clean (though not usually put away) laundry, and various and sundry things that are the life of a stay-at-home family CEO.

I have had a few blog worthy experiences though, even if it's been a while since I wrote.  So by way of "ketchup", here we go...

The fam took a camping trip back at the end of Aug which took us to a few chain places, including Quiznos and Subway.  Meh. Ok.  Those are places we go to for the kids.  Hey they beat arches, right?  (Most people know that as McDonald's).  At Quiznos I had a flat bread honey mustard chicken "sandwich" as it comes, toasted.  (this is often what I get here).  At Subway I split a footlong meatball sub, toasted, with the critic.  We add herbs and parmesan and she went WAY overboard on the parm.  Again, it's good.  I actually like this sandwich better than the Quiznos one.  Problem is that, while these restaurants offer healthier options, these two are not on the list.  So not the best choice but they'll do in a pinch for fast food.

On 8/29 I made a repeat visit to Cucina Cucina.  Every bit as good (ordered the same thing).  They "tried something new" this time and the server wrote his name in crayon on the table!  Score!

On 8/30 I had a spontaneous drive up north with just The Guys.  I ate at Panera for lunch and had their mac and cheese with a chai latte.  I do enjoy that lunch, even if it's not WW point friendly or anything.  Later, The Guys were near starving after a pool party extraordinaire.   The best way to take care of hangry attitudes? 
Olive Garden and their "everlasting pasta bowl" as it was coined tonight.  Do you have any idea how much I love that term?

Friday 9/2.  Sad sad sad day.  RIP, Texas Roadhouse in Everett.  :-(  As if it wasn't bad enough to lose our favorite throw-peanuts-on-the-floor-and-eat-yummy-yeast-rolls place, well, you should have seen the SORROW on the big guy's face.  He was so so disappointed.  For locals, yes, I have been to Jimmy Mac's.  And yes, it's good.  But not as good.  Though now it's better because, well... it's still there.  Which reminds me that I promised The Big Guy the chance to go soon.  Better cash in on that (see upcoming blog post soon).

Saturday 9/3... a GREAT experience in my foodie realm.  On a visit up north we were at the Bellingham Farmer's Market and were introduced to Puggy's Gourmet Eggrolls.  Don't go searching for their restaurant... there isn't one.  But their concept ROCKS and the food was super delish.  Made me feel like I was on the food truck race or something... too fun!  The concept is "simple"... take good flavors, wrap 'em in a wonton, and deep fry.  Caprese was a hit!  They had these yummy dipping sauces to go with them... like balsamic cream.  Oh so good.  I think our family single-handedly kept them in business just from our purchases (which was, um, like 4).

Sept 4... return trip home = return trip to Carino's.  We'd had a full day of fun on the lake and The Little Guy passed out in the car before we got there.  We weren't sure when he would wake up (as we were leaving) so I modified my order to get something he would be able to eat later.  I'm so glad!  The bowtie festival pasta is one of my previous favorites.  This time I paired it with the wedge salad that was Oh.My.Goodness so good.  It includes apple slivers (same "straws" on The Little Guy's panini that he ordered but never ate on that day back in July).  The salad also had candied pecans.  Next time, that's my dinner.  But the pasta was SO good as well... bacon, tomato bits, and an asiago cream sauce.  The Little Guy enjoyed it when we stopped at a rest stop to let him eat about 30 min. later. 

Sept 5... forever will be the day we didn't attend "Bummershoot".  We anticipated spending a nice Labor Day weekend going to the Pacific Science Center, The Children's Museum, eating a lunch at The Center House, and splashing in Memorial Fountain.  The problem?  We didn't account for Bumbershoot, a festival that overtakes Seattle Center and costs a whopping $45 per adult to get in (they are generous and let the kids in for free.  We should have just shoved them in on their own!).  So PSC, yes.  No to everything else.   The nice thing about this is we did get to check out Sport Restaurant and Bar at Fisher Plaza.  The food was good (I got the Kobe sliders and we all shared beer battered onion rings) though the problem is that no matter how much I want to eat bar and grill food, it just doesn't love me.  In fact it hates me.  Tastes great, but leaves me feeling ill for the rest of the day.

Sept 6:  Little Caesar's hot-n-ready pepperoni pizza actually makes a really good picnic food for not a lot of money.  But the true star of the night was a return to Mama's.  A little hint... make sure you arrive after 9:00 to really get the happy hour prices.  But a couple pomegranate splashes and some fab apps later and it is definitely the best happy hour in town.  Good friends help, of course.  They have a new arincini (fried risotto balls) which is yummy... table generally prefers the non-meat one.  One gal always gets a dessert that is good and I have a few bites off it.  And the caprese flat bread is a definite favorite.  Need a bottle of that balsamic reduction (aka syrup).

And now, consider yourself caught up.  So so sorry for the short-cuts.  Maybe someday the world will stop spinning so fast and I can get off and stay caught up.  I'm guessing that will happen once The Guys go to college.  Of course then, I won't be able to afford dining out so much.

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