Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Taco Slime

Restaurant name: Taco Time
Food type:  Fast food Mexican
Category:  A good go-to for fast food, not healthy, but we can all find something we like there
Reason for dining out:  Truly a need for fast food... had a three hour window in which I needed to go to the DMV, get a vacuum cleaner fixed, pick up a special order CD, get a library book on hold, and go grocery shopping.  Didn't have time to call for a prescription refill though...
Bonus features:  None
Food ordered:  Crisp beef burrito
Items of inspiration: None
Chance of repeat visit: Yes

You know you're hungry when you start seeing ANY place thinking "that sounds good".  I thought that when I saw McDonald's, Red Robin, etc. etc.  No time for anything else today... Taco Time was the best option.  It served it's purpose.  That is all.

Note:  Their super-cool new soda machine that makes 100+ combinations of soda may be a huge draw for The Guys, but not for me!  It makes every soda taste like it has a lingering lime flavor... and not the lime that is in Diet Coke with lime... more like lime candy.  Or cherry candy.  Gross.  I won't order a drink here anymore, even though they do sell Coke products.

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