Thursday, August 18, 2011


Let's get one thing out of the way.  When you get that feeling in your gut that makes no sense, but tells you things are going to go horribly wrong, listen to it.  This has nothing to do with the restaurant!  For reasons completely surprising to me, I just knew the sitter for The Guys was going to fall through inexplicably tonight.  And it did.  Thank goodness for a good friend who let me drop them off VERY last second (and kept them very late).  Our plans for dinner AND a show were not ruined!  In fact, they were wonderful.

Restaurant name:  Cactus on Alki
Food type:  Mexican
Category:  First time
Location:  Seattle Washington (Alki)
Reason for dining out:  Date night
Bonus features:  Meeting up with a good friend.  This means good conversation and the chance to sample MORE food than usual.  Happy!
Food ordered:  Butternut squash enchiladas, chicken fried chicken, brisket tacos, side of asparagus
Items of inspiration:  None, but definitely some options for repeats on another visit
Chance of return:  See response above... I would love to go back.

I have a friend who has a husband in the restaurant industry.  This type of "in" always endears me to a place.  It also helps that this friend gave me a list of what-to-haves.  And she knows her stuff!  The food was delicious.

In general, we're not big Mexican food eaters.  If we are headed there, we like the "fresh-mex" idea.  This food hit on all notes.  Plus it added a certain upscale flair that just made it fun.  Pepitas on the rice for example!  I'm a skip-the-rice-and-beans eater at Mexican.  For the most part I did with these sides as well... but those pepitas, I could have eaten a whole bowl!  Plus I get to throw around words like "pepitas" around The Critic, which just makes me feel like I know what I'm doing.

So when (not if) you go, I'll pass on my friends' words of wisdom.  First, get a mojito.  I didn't, but I hear it's what they are known for.  The Critic had two and he said they were good, but I missed these because, well, I was taking The Guys to be dropped off at a friend's house.... oh just see the prequel to remind yourself at the top of this page. 

Anyway, the chicken fried chicken was featured in Food and Wine magazine.  And it was really good.  Not what you would normally order at a Mexican restaurant.  But when my husband asked if it was good the server swooned and said "Fried chicken with andouille sausage gravy... how can you go wrong?" 

Also a hint from my friend... butternut squash enchiladas.  Oh. My. Word.  They were REALLY good.  The top tortilla is very crunchy, filled with chunks of butternut squash and a hint of goat cheese every now and then... Very hard to describe, too, so just look at the picture below... then head out and try them.  I doubt you will be disappointed.  If I go back, this is what I'm getting.

Well, that is, if my husband gets those brisket tacos.  My favorite of the evening is definitely a toss up between the two.  The onions on the top are slightly pickled, I assume in house.  And that cilantro just really adds an element that makes you think fresh!  The tortillas are really good as well, with enough texture to hold all the innards without being tough to chew through.  I have since heard that they are a part of the seasonal menu and have only been listed for about a week or so.  Nice! 

My final tip... eat on the patio.  It is so worth it on a nice day.  Alki is beautiful in the summer.

All in all, a wonderful dinner.  So glad I had my "in" and found a new place.  We will definitely be back. And for the record, the show was Les Miz and it, too, was fabulous. 

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