Monday, August 22, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese

Restaurant name: Chuck E. Cheese
Food type:  "Italian" but, like RFC, it's Disneyland without the rides
Category: Frequent lunch spot in the past... we don't go as often as we used to.
Reason for dining out:  Birthday party
Bonus features:  A Chuck E. Cheese birthday party without the Chuck E. Cheese price.  And I smuggled in my own Diet Coke.  Big Guy claimed it was the best most awesomeest birthday party ever, so major parent point scores.  And we're not there anymore... best bonus feature of them all!
Food ordered:  3 large pizzas, one cheese, one sausage, and one pepperoni.  Also got an unlimted salad party but we'll use it another time.
Items of inspiration: None... none... none... none
Chance of repeat visit: Likely with friends... never just on our own.

The Big Guy wanted his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Thanks to the magic of couponing, I was able to provide him a nice party of his dreams at about 2/3 the cost of the Chuck E. Cheese official party cost and was able to give our guests so much more, including food and drinks for all kids and adults as well as all the tokens we could throw at them.  It was a wonderful party with good friends and a good time, if a more than slightly overstimulated time, was had by all. 

In the mornings, this is actually a great place to take the kids.  Yes, I know they serve pizza.  By the way, their draw right now is a "new pizza recipe".  It's not good.  I actually think the old recipe was better.  That wasn't great, but was better than what you'd expect.  The new recipe is gross, but no one goes here for the pizza.  Anyway, the mornings are a great time because they aren't crowded, it's a bit quieter, and the kids get lots of free tickets as they test the machines.  We go, order lunch at 11:30, then leave when the "lunch crowds" come in.  It used to be a nice oasis.  I would actually sit and do Bible study while my kids played and played.  And all the while I'd be sipping on my caffeine free diet coke (and they had cherry coke on tap which is a huge plus for The Critic).  Well, back in March, they switched to the dark side.  Pepsi.  Ugh.  And no Diet Dr. Pepper either.  Boo and boo.  Guess what?  We don't go nearly as often anymore...

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