Monday, August 1, 2011

McD's again

I figure its actually a sign of REALLY good parenting if the last day we went to a McDonald's was over a month ago, especially considering its summer and given the number of vacations we've been on.  But I didn't pack a lunch, spent the morning off playing with *my* friends, and had to make a last minute decision about lunch.  So I said we'd eat out one time this week, their choice of where.  Guess what they picked.  The Guys were thrilled to get some Smurf (or "Snurf", as The Little Guy calls it) toys.  I was okay with it because it was cool and indoors for a while.  But really, that food is just NOT good and should probably be outlawed. 

Restaurant name: McDonald's
Food type:  Oh please.  If you don't know... well, I kind of envy you.  Fast food.
Category: First Time Ever!  (yeah right)
Location:  Maple Valley, Washington
Reason for dining out:  "Hangry" Guys post VBS
Bonus features:  Really, there were none.  Cool air?
Food ordered:  Hamburger sans pickle (handed to The Little Guy) and some of a small french fry.
Items of inspiration: Really?  REALLY?  Do I really need to ask?  No!
Chance of repeat visit:  Never!  (yeah right)

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