Sunday, August 7, 2011

Canyons... among others

I had a reunion which makes blogging about our dining out experiences difficult.  While I ate out a lot, a lot of it was a bite here or there and I can't really remember the specifics (no, it wasn't the alcohol speaking).  I need to find a way to blog easily on my phone... my index finger just can't text that fast.

Anyway, the best story came from Canyons in Bothell.  The Critic likes to eat there for their corn fritters with honey butter which resemble the ones we get once a year at the Puyallup Fair.  This time around, they had a special of sea scallops.  I. Love. Sea. Scallops.  Probably my favorite food.  And I order it all the time, but I usually order it in a place that has a few more stars than a place like Canyons.  But I ordered it anyway.  And it was good, but just good.  It was as good as it could be in a place like Canyons.

Did I mention The Little Guy is a foodie-in-training?  Because he is.  Little stinker ate at least 1/3 of the dish, if not more.  And I couldn't even get mad because there is nothing like a 4-year-old saying "Mmmmmmmm!!!!  These scallops are the best scallops I have ever had!!!"  But hands down my favorite moment was when he said to our server (who asked how his macaroni and cheese was) in his adorable little high-pitched voice 4-year-old voice.

"Excuse me?  You need to know that these scallops are the best thing I've had at your restaurant! And did you know that scallops are my very favorite food?"

I think that server is probably still smiling.  I know I am!

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