Friday, August 5, 2011

A Little Pi for breakfast

Yesterday I had eye surgery.  First time in about 30 years that I can see without contacts or glasses... sort of.  Vision is coming back a bit slower than I had expected.  Nevertheless, this healing day gave The Critic and I a chance to spend a mid-week day together.  And with that, The Guys were at a vacation Bible school.  So we, of course, opted to go out.  Our place of choice is an adorable bakery in White Center that has an awesome story and personal connection.  3.14 bakery.  Get it?  Pi.  Ar ar ar ar ar ar...

Restaurant name: 3.14 Bakery
Food type:  Pies and other baked goods
Category:  We go here because of the owners... personal friends who are living out a dream.  The food is yummy, too.
Location:  White Center, Washington
Reason for dining out:  Date with my Critic... at breakfast time!
Bonus features:  Getting to chat with my good friend Jessica Haury who has opened this place to fulfill her dream
Food ordered:  Cake balls and sausage roll.  The Critic also had some coconut pie.
Items of inspiration: None... I'm not a baker!
Chance of repeat visit:  Absolutely... just wish it was a bit closer.

Here's the story behind 3.14, in a nutshell.  Jessica and I used to teach together.  She's still there, but at a Thanksgiving dinner where she provides the desserts, she mentions casually to her family that it would be neat to open a bakery someday.  Less than a year later, the doors of 3.14 Bakery open.  We were there on that first day, making just after they had closed up shop.  But being friends (and customers) we were graciously allowed in and The Guys still remember their cookies and "buttons" (don't you dare call them muffin tops!).

I recently saw a post from Jessica about how she was doing a field trip of baking apple pies and quickly arranged for my MOMS Club group to go on a field trip as well.  Trouble is, they picked a day when I can't make it.  I was sad, and then I saw a post about Jessica trying to figure out a fun way to celebrate their one-year anniversary.  How is it possible they have been open for a year and we haven't been back?  When the occasion presented itself, it was a no-brainer.  The Critic and I needed to head back.

You will never hear me say a critical thing about this bakery.  You won't find specialty wedding cakes with fancy fondant or huge monstrous decorations on them (at least not yet).  What you will find are cakes, cookies, pies, and other treats which taste homemade.  I can't tell you how much I love that in a restaurant.  It just doesn't have that commercial bakery feel.  And it's worth the drive.  I loved the chocolate cake balls most this time and I still remember the cupcake/icing we had a year ago.  Go!  And help my friend eventually leave her classroom to pursue her dream full-time!

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