Saturday, August 13, 2011


Restaurant name: Unicone
Food type:  Japanese-style crepes
Category:  Been several times
Reason for dining out:  Dessert after lunch on my own
Bonus features:  I could order one that The Critic wasn't as interested in. 
Food ordered:  Banana, whip, choc, cream, custard, cornflake crepe
Items of inspiration: None.  I. Don't. Make. Crepes.
Chance of repeat visit:  Yes please!

The Critic and I found this place right after they opened.  It is amazing and the only problem is that they are usually closed by the time we're ready to eat one (aka after a movie or dinner).  But it is probably my favorite dessert in town right now.  And watching them made is a huge portion of the fun.

First, you look at the awful display of all the types you can order.  The funniest part is that the dessert crepes (which are most of them) are mixed with the savory.  So one minute you're looking at the choc, berry, whip and the next the tuna.  Bleh.  So just get an idea of what you want QUICKLY and move on to the real show.  One you order, they spin out crepe batter until it is very thin and flip it so it's crisp on both sides.  Then they lay out the crepe and fill it.  It is beautifully designed but you can only appreciate it at this point because then they roll the whole thing up so it looks like ice cream in a waffle cone.  So much fun! 

I know the corn flakes seem odd, but you really must try them.  In fact, if you like chocolate and bananas at all, I recommend the one I got today.  Mmm mmm good!

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