Sunday, August 14, 2011

Payin' For it Cafe

The summer is winding down.  We finally had to trek to the mall (ugh)... new shoes for school, new clothes... plus The Big Guy heads to "real school" this year.  We decided to splurge and take them to the Disneyland for kids to eat at.  Rainforest Cafe.  Or, as we have always called it "The Payin' For it Cafe."

Restaurant name:  Rainforest Cafe
Food type:  American Grill, but really, it's a theme park without the rides
Category:  We're kind of once-a-yearers here
Location:  Southcenter Mall in Tukwila
Reason for dining out:  Splurge to become parents-of-the-year for a couple minutes
Bonus features:  Telling "The Steak Lab" story, getting perks for knowing someone, actually enjoying our time enough to join and become members!
Food ordered:  I got the tomato basil soup.  Finally found something tasty here!
Items of inspiration:  None
Chance of return:  More than likely, but after this visit I'm actually looking forward to it!

Every time we've come to the Rainforest Cafe we've had an experience that makes us wonder why we try, but we know the answer.  Parents bring their kids to a place like this so they can always have a carrot... "Turn in all your homework and we can go to the Rainforest Cafe"  "Eat your peas and I'll take you to RC next week".  Really, the main reason we went tonight was that we had free kids' meals as a result of a tour we did with MOMS Club last summer.  They never expire, so we figured this would be a good chance.  Get some shoes, get some food, get out of there as fast as possible.

When we were seated, they asked us if we knew about their "membership" program.  Yes, I sighed.  I'm well aware.  Most of these places offer perks for joining... eat with them a lot and you get free stuff.  I get free pastries at Panera, the occasional free meal at The Rock, stuff like that.  This is my first gripe with RC... you have to PAY for it here.  See?  Payin' For It Cafe! Well, she points out that their membership is on "special" right now.

Special.  Here's the thing.  I am a SUCKER for saving money.  I'm not going to get on that extreme couponing show, but I have found ways to get what I want for as little as possible.  So she piqued my interest... but not much.  What's the deal?  I ask, skeptically.  She says that the membership is $10.  And she points out that when you get your card in the mail, you get a $10 award.  And that you get 10% off all entrees the night you buy the membership.  Hmmmmmm.... yep.  Sold.  Saving 10% off what we would have paid anyway, plus I can just come in and get $10 worth of stuff and walk out next time.  Yes, that just makes sense to me.  So sign up, we did.

Now here's the fun part.  I love a good customer service review.  The Critic ordered a trio that included steak, shrimp, and coconut shrimp.  The shrimp were both fine, but the steak was SUPER well-done.  Why do they call it that?  It's not "well done".  It's shoe leather.  Steak should be medium at most.  Medium rare is usually perfect.  So The Critic asks "Do I complain about the steak?"  It's flat iron.  I don't know a lot about different meat types, but I do know that flat iron steak is no Kobe beef.  So I ask if they asked him how he wanted it.  "Yes!!  I said medium rare!"  Uh, yes.  Send it back.  There's no question that is NOT medium rare.  So our server sends over a manager to help us out.

That reminds me that I have a friend whose husband was a manager of sorts at Rainforest Cafe.  Though I've never met him, he bears a striking resemblance to my friends' children and my husband asks if they are related.  They sure are!  This strikes up a fun conversation which includes the option of telling the "steak lab" story (be patient, I'll tell it at the end!).  And, long story short, we end up (finally) with a correctly cooked steak, plus additional chicken nuggets and french fries for the kids AND ice cream sundaes!  And a comp for the time it took to get the steak right.  And guess what!  We can no longer call it the "Payin' For it Cafe" because tonight they practically paid us to eat there!  Score for us.  And really, score for them too.  Because now we WANT to go back.  It was a fun dinner... for all of us.

Okay okay okay... I'll tell the steak lab story.

Back approximately 15 years ago, right after I met The Critic, his brother-in-law went to dinner with us at TGI Fridays.  The Critic ordered a steak that came out ridiculously overcooked.  It was practically burnt to a crisp.  After he sent it back, he left the table to go to the restroom and this seemingly quiet brother-in-law showed his mischievous side.  I have since learned that mischievous really is his true colors... this man is a hoot!  Anyway, when they take the plate away and say they are comping the bill, he turns to me and says, "Let's have some fun with this.  Just follow my lead."  The following is the conversation upon The Critic's arrival back.  The stuff of legends....

"Dude.  You're not going to believe this."
"They took your steak back and they came back and said there is no way that was overcooked."
"Seriously!  I know, right?"
"You're kidding right?"
"No!  <totally deadpan> Someone came out and said they had it tested in their steak lab!  They said you're crazy and it met the expectation of a perfect medium rare steak!"

Dead silence.... shock....

Total laughter.

I love that story!

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