Saturday, January 14, 2012

Boo Jay's :-(

Decided to go to BJ's tonight with the family (well, I should also add we ate lunch at McDonald's but that is hardly worth its own entry, right?).  We had a ton of errands to run and got some AWESOME deals on some gear and some shoes, so in the end it was worth it.  I finally decided that going to BJ's was the best choice because they have their super awesome chardonnay chicken pasta which should really be called heart-attack-on-a-plate based on the fat and calorie content.  I think they took the world's healthiest ingredients, including grilled shrimp, and added in about a pound of butter, 2 cups of heavy whipping cream, and straight bacon fat.  Anyway, that type of deliciousness can be rationalized when I split it with the shrimp, bacon, and pasta loving FIT right?  Wrong.  They don't have it on the menu anymore.  Devastation, except now I'll just find a blog that has the recipe (or something close to it), Pin it on Pinterest, and then make it myself (hopefully in a healthier version?). 

So instead FIT and I split cajun shrimp pasta, which we had them do grilled shrimp rather than blackened.  The end result is a "meh".  The Critic was super happy with his dinner (some type of deep dish pizza with meat and mushrooms... the guy was in heaven!).  I would probably have been happier if I had a diet coke to sip on.  Sad day for the Coach Foodie in this house.  Oh well!

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