Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rock and Roll -- Get It?

First, to explain the title.  The Guys are driving me BATTY with jokes.  Knock knock jokes, made up jokes, retelling of jokes they've heard.  Let me be clear.  They get them wrong.  Nearly everything these days comes with the "Get it?" Tagline.  I mean seriously, doesn't matter.  Nachos.  Get it?  Nach-OHS!  Then hysterical laughter.  Don't read too much into it.  99% of the time I don't get it.  Well, Rock and Roll.  Get it?  ROCK and ROLL???  Yeah... I heard that all the way to the restaurant for lunch today.  The whole way.  All of it!

Anyway, a return to The Rock for a lunch buffet with the FIT and a good friend and her stinking adorable daughter.  Too much fun to be had.  A neat story though... FIT was picking his pizza choices and said "I want the one with the BBQ sauce."  When I pointed out that there were none, someone came over to me with a small container of BBQ sauce for him.  I thanked him, but said he was hoping for a pizza with BBQ sauce on it.  So the guy said he'd have one made and asked what all FIT would like on it.  So I went back to the table and asked him... he was stunned!  He finally agreed to chicken.  Then the guy says "How about some bacon?"  A stunned FIT keeps nodding.  He asks if he'll eat any vegetables and I say sure and he asks about pineapple and this gets FIT super excited.  I don't think they ended up with any veggies... maybe onions.  Anyway, as I'm heading back to finish getting stuff the guy cooking pizzas in the back here's the request and says "Oh awesome!  BBQ, chicken, bacon, and pineapple... NICE!  What could be better?"  I wish FIT had heard that because I'm pretty sure he felt like a Rock Star.  (Get it?  ROCK star?)  My friend and I decided to name the pizza after him and he just adored it.  When it arrived he ate two full pieces, that on top of the other 2 he had already eaten, plus a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some fruit.  Top it off with another free buffet based on my backstage pass... I love The Rock. 

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