Thursday, December 29, 2011

Apple Parsnip Soup -- I did it!

I did it!  Based on the soup I ate here, I came up with an original recipe for Apple Parsnip Soup and it is really really delicious!

First step was to peel and chop 4 parsnips and one apple into about one or two inch chunks.  I brushed 1 T melted butter on them and sprinkled with sea salt and white pepper.  Then I roasted them in a 425 degree oven for 30 min.  They looked delicious at that point and it was a bit of a challenge not to eat them all off the jelly roll pan.

Next up, I heated 3 cups chicken stock in a pan.  I added the roasted parsnips and apple to that.That's also the first time I thought to take a picture of the process.  Oops.

Then, using my immersion blender on the lowest speed, I mixed until all the ingredients until they were as smooth as I could get them without turning the soup into thick glop.  I also added 2 T apple cider vinegar at this point, to brighten the taste.


Finally, I mixed in 1/4 cup half and half just to get it warm and seasoned with salt.  If I had only done 1 T of apple cider vinegar I might have been able to eliminate this completely, but I like a tiny amount of cream in my soups, so I was happy with it.  Then I diced a bit of apple on the top.  At first that was just to show off a bit since presentation is really not my forte.  But when I ate it, it was delicious with the bright crunchy contrast, so this is a must for next time and can't be missed!

That's it!  Took just about 45 min. and it is totally delicious.  Excuse me... need to eat another cup of soup!

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