Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Red House

Enjoyed a nice night out with a friend for a birthday party.  Got a chance to back to The Red House in Renton, a nice tapas bar that has some pretty good food and always has some pretty good wine.  Today I was intrigued by the rabbit leg which was braised with red wine, carrots, mushrooms, and onions over polenta.  I was more intrigued when the server informed me that it is braised to order so if you have an aversion to any of those things (like, oh, say, mushrooms) you can get it without... Yay!  Except that they were out.  Boo!  So instead I ordered the pumpkin ravioli with brown butter and sage sauce with a side salad of pear and Gorgonzola.  No problem... except that they didn't have the pumpkin ravioli.  But never fear!  It was replaced with a pear gorgonzola ravioli!  So I decided on that, strike the salad.  

The result was a yummy dish that I would definitely order again.  So happy birthday, dear friend!  Thanks for the invite to a yummy place and a chance to get some good food with good company.



  1. Ok, it is 5:45 in the morning and Baby #1 was just rocked back to sleep...Baby #2 has been up since 3:30 doing his own rocking and rolling. As a result of my lack of sleep, I am caught up on your blog. Hooray! Now I'm SUPER hungry after reading your descriptions! Mmmm. Also, Chutney's is a great idea for date night. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Love it, Kelly! Thanks for checking in. :-)
