Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Return to Cucina Cucina -- Now with pictures!

Last night we took The Guys to the ski area for some night skiing in the pouring down rain.  Amazingly more fun than I thought it would be.  This little adventure left us pretty hungry so I suggested we all go to Cucina Cucina (admittedly I was the most excited about this idea).  Previously blogged here, I once again enjoyed the linguine con pollo. The FIT also thought this dish was pretty stellar... good to know.  I can bring him for lunch sometime and we can split it!  The rest of the meal wasn't such a big hit.  The Big Guy wasn't impressed that his meatballs had sauce on them (he eventually tasted them and realized they were okay, but still wasn't impressed).  The FIT's favorite part of the meal was the raw pizza dough they give the kids to play with like playdough... he found it delicious (guess we still have to work on that palate of his!).  The Critic ordered the chicken saltimboca and made the following comment.  "You know what this dish needs?"  Insert bunch of random suggestions from me and an eventual smirky glare from The Critic. "It needs to become your grilled stuffed chicken breast recipe".  So here is the recipe for that dish.  So easy, so good.  You should make it tonight!

Grilled stuffed chicken breasts

One chicken breast per person (rinsed and patted dry)
Then, for each serving, one slice roasted red pepper (I just get them jarred as long as they are packed in water), approximately one ounce of REAL mozzarella cheese (one slice of a ball or about 3 of the little balls is fun too).  Some pesto (probably about 2 T per serving -- I have found best results with the premade pesto from the grocery store, believe it or not), kosher salt and ground pepper.


Slice each breast horizontally to make a pocket.  Salt and pepper each breast.  Make sure each of your items for stuffing is separated because you will be shoving all this stuff into raw chicken and you won't be able to reuse your leftovers if you contaminate them.  So, start with the pesto and shove it in the pocket, kind of spread it around, and spread some on the outside of the breast as well (top and bottom).  Add a slice of red pepper and the mozzarella slice.  Close up with toothpicks.

Cut slit in the chicken and salt/pepper the outside
Stuff Red Pepper

Stuff Mozzarella

Smear pesto in and around the chicken breasts
Closet up with tooth picks -- Ready to grill!
The Critic then grills them, since that's his thing.  So I don't know times, temps, etc.  Just grill them until they are cooked through but not dry as a bone.  And yes, that's it.  These are delicious and beautiful -- and really easy to make quickly.  Enjoy!


  1. Christina -- From Cucina Cucina, click on the other link and you'll see my food. For the grilled chicken breast, I haven't made it for a while so I need to make it and THEN take a pic. :-)
