Monday, January 9, 2012

Cal's in Kent

Love a reason to try a new place, hate saying goodbye.  A good friend is moving to California so we took a few minutes to enjoy a meal with her at a place in Kent called Cal's.  Our very chatty waitress basically let me know that they are hoping to be a foodie paradise in a very non-foodie area.  Well, they *think* they're a foodie paradise already.  But they're not quite there yet.  First off, they need to be introduced to my friend the salt and pepper shakers.

I ordered the shrimp and grits.  Not bad.  Very briny shrimp (I was warned they would be "gulfy").  And the grits were creamy but just that... cream and white grits.  The sauce needed something.  And the whole thing screamed of needing salt.  I wasn't alone with that.  A friend who got chicken noodle soup also felt it was underseasoned.  I also challenge their "homemade noodle" claim and would love to actually watch them prep those in the back... they were as un"homemade" looking as any noodle I have ever seen.   And I think they need to prepare a plan in advance for things like shrimp tails.  I'm all for shells on shellfish, but I don't actually want to consume them, nor do I want to just put them on my plate.  Regardless, after a day where I was STARVING I truly mopped the plate clean.

I'm sure I'll return, likely with The Critic and The Guys sometime, even more likely with friends from MOMS Club or something... sadly it won't be another farewell party for my friend.  Best of luck, K, on this next adventure you are on.  The Little Guy is going to miss your little guy very very much. 

Shrimp and Grits at Cal's in Kent, WA

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