Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Panera for Lunch Bunch

No pictures on this... too much to juggle!  I am in a division of the international non-profit organization known as MOMS Club.  It stands for Moms Offering Moms Support and the idea is fun activities that stay-at-home moms (or working moms with some free time during the day) can do with their kids and meet other adults and not go absolutely batty.  One of our group's draws when I joined was called "The Empty Nesters".  These oh so lucky moms didn't truly have an empty nest... their kids were in school during the days, giving them the rare treat of being able to attend a coffee date or a lunch date with other ladies without needing to dice up someone's chicken or retrieve a sippy cup from the floor.  Color me jealous when I joined when my children were nearly hatched and 1.9 years of age!  Fast forward a couple years when I was serving on the board with this group.  Another foodie friend and I proposed an idea of going to "real" restaurants with the kids... things that didn't start with a Mc and end with a Donald's, specifically.  We wanted to help encourage our youngsters about ideas like how to sit at a table and eat your food, how to order without getting shy, and how to eat something that didn't start with Mc and end with Nuggets.  We thought there were so many places around that offer good, healthy choices in a kid-friendly environment that didn't also come with a play area.  Enter "Lunch Bunch".  Based on schedules for schools, my attendance at these has been lacking lately, so I was quite grateful that the chance to go to Panera with this group came up.  I enjoyed my typical... Chai Tea Latte (which actually came in a real coffee mug... this is slightly divine in my world!), Take Two option of mac and cheese and the BBQ Chicken Cobb salad.  Yu-um.  FIT got a PB&J, fruit cup, and cookie.  Delish little lunch with good friends... both his and mine.  Thanks, MOMS Club Lunch Bunch!

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