Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fuji Teriyaki

After looking and looking, I do not see a post about Fuji yet.  That borders on sacrilegious.   And I just learned how to spell sacrilegious.  Weird.

A long time ago, long before there were The Guys or even a Coach Foodie/Critic, there were two kids just getting their start in the dating world.  Long before that, was a future Critic who loved going to a place called Fuji Teriyaki.  I cannot count the number of times we have made the trek to this amazing little whole in the wall.  I cannot count the number of times they have remembered The Critic.  I cannot count the number of times we have craved this food.  Best. Teriyaki. Anywhere.  I promise.

Once we were married and moved further south, we found we couldn't frequent this gem as much as we wanted.  After I don't know how long, I walked in, with The Critic, and they were SO excited to see him.  And handed me a dust covered pair of sunglasses that I had left behind the counter!  True story.  They remembered him, they remembered the sunglasses were connected to him.  And months and months later, they were truly excited to see him.  And THAT, is one of many reasons why I love this place.

This is not the first time we have taken The Guys here, but it has been a while.  Thankfully, everyone loved it and I'm sure we'll be going back to "The Place With The Meat and Rice and Those Really Neat Lamps That Keep You Warm" as The Big Guy called it.

Chicken Katzu, no salad (which means extra rice) -- Big Guy's favorite (be careful, that is BBQ sauce on the side.  Do not, REPEAT DO NOT, poor over precious coveted sauce covered rice
Jumbo Teriyaki Chicken -- No salad LOVED BY ALL!!!
Chicken Gyoza -- Favorites of all but The Big Guy.  More for us!

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