Monday, March 5, 2012

Volleyball = Red Robin

I do not subscribe to the "Red Robin... Yum!" slogan.  I would rather go nearly anywhere than Red Robin.  But when The Critic's volleyball season ends, that is where we go.  We tried to take them to The Rock for pizza once and we were the only ones who enjoyed it.  So Red Robin, here we go.  And this actually works out because The Big Guy ALWAYS wants to go to Red Robin (because he likes a plain cheeseburger with apple slices and a big 'ol basket of fries sitting right in front of him with all the apple juice he can eat).  So having a set "this is when we go" works for me. 

Last time we went I had this super tasty little burger that I totally forgot to blog about... twice.  Bad me!  Anyway, I was excited for it because, while I can't remember what was in it both times I remember thinking it was actually a pretty tasty sandwich and, if I didn't eat the fries, it didn't hate me as much as burgers usually do. 

So, in a rare turn of events I was looking forward to going this time.  Until I got there.  Because that delicious little whatever-it-was burger is no longer on the menu.

I hate "limited time specials".  Hate them.  Because if I like them, I can't get them anymore. 

I looked through the entire menu... had a hard time coming up with something to eat.  My favorite conversation went back and forth with The Critic:

What are you getting?
Depends on what you're getting.
Depends on what you're getting.
Well, nothing looks good to me so I just figured I'd eat half of what you got.

Notice it doesn't say who said what?  That's because we both had the same thought.  However, an idea intrigued me that I couldn't shake so I finally tried it.

They have "protein style" burgers which take away the bun and then wrap them in lettuce.  The more I thought about this, the more I thought if I do that and then chop it up, it will be kind of like a burger salad.  So I decided to do that with the Banzai burger but asked them to hold the mayo.

Guess what?  It's pretty good!  And it didn't leave me feeling like the burger hated me.  Which is good.  So next time I go, definitely going to "protein style" a burger and try and enjoy myself.  Thankfully the next volleyball season doesn't end for several more months (or even start for a couple more weeks) so I have time.

AND.... guess who played???  ME!  Haven't played volleyball for several years, but it sure was fun.  And I didn't even do anything to mess up horribly.  Thanks for letting me play, Critic (and team).  Just might do that again sometime. 

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