Saturday, March 10, 2012

Return to Cals

There is a church down the way that has a Parent's Night Out from time to time... leave the kids in their care to sponsor some youth mission trip, pay what you want.  The fun part is that we enjoy joining up with a few other couples, letting our kids all play together, then heading out for a big of grown-up talk time.  With food.  Tonight, we went to Cal's.  THANK GOODNESS they have been improving the salt level.  Though the brussels sprouts actually went a bit to the other extreme.  Cal's is not my favorite restaurant but for proximity to home, it will certainly do, from time to time.

Brussel sprouts -- very good until you got to the bottom, which were just greasy, salty, overcooked, mush.  Top ones were delicious, though.  I'd give these a try again... maybe.
Roasted squash... not to be repeated.  Too much butter, squash not cooked enough.  Not my favorite at all.
I did enjoy this little "appetizer" and would use it as my mail meal.  The pork belly and onion marmalade was tasty.  I like my grits much better... think I could bring them in and ask them to put them on the side instead?

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