Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sugar Waffles

About a year and a half ago I went on a business trip with The Critic in Southern California.  I had a lot of time on my own and a place I found was The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.  I was intrigued by how awesome they catered to those stay-at-home moms who like to drink coffee while letting their rugrats play and thought how neat it was to be equally into coffee and tea, for those poor souls who don't drink coffee (let's pause for a moment to feel sorry for them....  ....  ....  Thank you).

When I was there I ordered a tea something-or-other and then decided to try their waffle.  And my life forever was changed.  See, nothing spectacular led me to believe this would be a life-altering experience.  They didn't scream "DONUT WAFFLE" or anything like that.  I just remember her asking if I'd like it "heated or not" and I was a bit surprised and said, "Heated?  Right?"  And she said "Yep!"  Then I had it... and it was a donut Belgian waffle.  It was SOOOOOO good that I took The Critic for one after dinner that night as dessert.  It was better than The Melting Pot fondue we had the day before.  Seriously!

Fast forward a couple months and we were at Whistler B.C. doing our skiing thang while The Guys were in ski school and they had a donut shack on the top of the mountain.  We were wondering if it could possibly be the same thing/half as good.  And it was!  How often does that happen???

Well, not very often.  That was 15 months ago and neither of us have experienced this mecca of a donut waffle again.

Fast forward to Christmas 2011 and guess what my parents gave me?  A waffle maker!  And the paper wasn't even off the box before The Critic said "Now you can MAKE donut waffles!!!"  So I've been on a quest since then.

First, let me smash the hopes and dreams right now.  This is NOT a recipe for donut waffles.  I'm still looking for those.  But in an attempt, I came across a pretty fun alternative.  I give you.... Sugar Waffles.

I've used my waffle maker several times since that paper officially came off and I can tell you two things.  Waffle batter takes a LOT of steps and man is that sucker hard to clean!  I can't help with the clean-up ease yet (this one was a lot messier) but the batter was a cinch to make!  So to start, I opened a can of Grands buttermilk refrigerator biscuit dough.  And then my batter was done.  Yep!  DONE!  Three more ingredients and I'm done.

Pour vegetable oil into a bowl and turn each biscuit one time in it.  Put on the waffle maker.
Close and turn the waffle maker (I used the highest setting).  When finished, remove to a cutting board.  Cool for a minute, just until you can handle it.  Cut into slices.
Take each slice and turn it in melted butter.  Half a stick was enough for the 6 waffles I made this morning.
Take each slice and turn it in granulated sugar.  
I give you sugar waffles.  Well, I give you recipe for sugar waffles.  If you want me to give you one for real, call me up and let me know when to expect you.  Enjoy!!!

And when I finally figure out that donut waffle recipe, I'll post it as well. 

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