Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Ram with The Fam

Happy birthday to my mom meant a fun art day and a "quick" family lunch at The Ram at Kent Station.  And by quick I mean the world's slowest service you have ever ever seen in your entire life.  My sister was quoted over ONE HOUR after walking in as saying, "I've changed my mind... I think we'll get served faster at Duke's." 

For me, The Ram brings back glory days of my college years.  Right across the street from Willamette University's campus where I lived and breathed for 5 years of my life, I have had many a Ram burger... and it's where I was introduced to my first (of many) Long Island Iced Teas.  I don't do those anymore.  Really... not kidding.  But for me, The Ram = amazing burger and wonderful food.

Except I don't really like burgers anymore.  Well, as I think I've said before, it's more that burgers don't like me. 

So The Critic and I decided to split a steak sandwich with au jus to dip it in and a side of onion rings (most of which went the the critic for the same reason as above... they don't like me very much).  So I ordered a nice little side salad as well.  And I never got it. 

Oh well... in this case it was definitely the PEOPLE who counted, not the food.  Happy birthday, Mom.  Maybe next time we really will go to Duke's. 

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