Sunday, May 20, 2012

Barracuda Grill

Open Table is a GREAT site for finding fun, trendy, Foodie-friendly places.  It is not, however, a great place to find kid-friendly sites.

Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of our food.  This is because from the second we walked in to this place that someone was crazy enough to say was a good fit for "families" (sure, if your family is paying college tuitions), I was in full-on mom-defensive mode.  My favorite was when he said "We tried to scrounge up some crayons but could only find a ballpoint pen.  Feel free to let the kids write on the back of our menu".  Thank goodness for mom-preparedness.

Perhaps if it was just The Critic and I this would have been a good place for a quiet meal.  Unfortunately, we could only find faults.  I had pork loin with parsnip puree.  The puree was good but the pork was dry (he even asked how I wanted it cooked and my response was "correctly!"  We all got a laugh over that... still overcooked).  The Critic had some kind of fish that was SUPER dry as well.  And I actually had to send The Big Guy's plain pasta back because it came with butter, garlic, and TONS of Parmesan cheese (that he won't touch). 

So not our favorite spot in the San Diego area at all. 

Incidentally, the next night we did find a fun, family-friendly, foodie-fortunate neighborhood gem just steps from our hotel.  We all enjoyed a FABULOUS dinner there and, if I recall correctly, The Critic went back a couple of times after The Guys and I returned to Washington while he stayed around for a while.  Sadly, no pictures and I don't even recall its name... but the salad I had was delish and The Guys were big fans of their meals.  That's what I needed!  The rest of our San Diego excursion is sadly undocumented... but most of it was SeaWorld or Legoland food anyway.

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