Thursday, May 31, 2012


So I have started a weight loss plan.  Which does mean fewer posts on here, though I refuse to end this thing completely.  They just won't be quite so interesting.  Lots of "I had a salad with a side of steamed broccoli and a Diet Coke."  In fact, I'm not even posting those kind of things unless it's truly a unique experience.  That's what this was. 

The Critic and I had tickets to a comedy show.  Side note:  We joined this site called "Fill A Seat" that allows us to get tickets to see things like sports events or comedy shows at no cost.  We finally found a time we could use it... to see a hypnotist.  He was bad.  Really bad.  Really really bad.  Though not quite as bad as the warm-up act that was PAINFULLY bad.  I digress.....

The Critic really wanted to try Indochine, a swanky Thai restaurant we were going to that is in Tacoma across from the Washington State History Museum.  Side note:  We have decided that Tacoma's motto should be "Tacoma, Washington:  Home to oddly placed museums that seem like they belong elsewhere".  There is some "National" car museum we came across this time... so so weird.  Ah!  I digress again!

Okay.  Indochine.  I acknowledged that it would be difficult to stick to my meal plan at such a place so I went in, read the entire menu, and made what I hoped was an informed decision based on what little knowledge I have gained from this plan in the past 1.5 weeks.  I decided based on fat and calories listed that the spring rolls were a good choice.  Guess what?  SUPER tasty!!!!  Really fresh... LOVED the basil in them.  I had a small amount of chicken and shrimp in them.  Yum and happy Coach Foodie for sure.

Worried that wouldn't have been enough food (it totally would have) I also asked for some steamed veggies... said they could be lightly stir fried in no oil.  He asked if soy was okay and I said yes.  He asked if I wanted some chicken and I agreed if it was a small amount.  Pictured below is the chef's creation.  Um, DELICIOUS!  I was so happy both that I had been able to get good food on a diet plan and felt empowered about asking for what I want and getting something tasty.  So this episode is brought to you by WINNING!

For those interested or keeping track, these meals DID allow me to stay on the plan.  And in two weeks, I am down 6 pounds.  Several more to go....  

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