Monday, May 7, 2012

Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

About a year and a half ago The Critic and I escaped for a business trip for him.  He landed himself in trainings in Thousand Oaks, CA, a suburb on the outside of Los Angeles.  I landed myself by the poolside, sleeping in, and seeking out fun places to get a bite to eat.  One of my favorite places was The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.  I loved the idea of this place... equal parts coffee shop and tea shop... a place for everyone.  Even though I'm not a tea drinker as much as a coffee drinker, I have friends who would love to "go for coffee" and skip the coffee. 

I guess Seattle truly is the coffee capital of the world because the idea just hasn't shown up here.  Surprisingly, it isn't the coffee I have missed.  Nor is it the tea (obviously).  What I've missed are these delicious cake-y waffles that they spread Nutella on... kind of sugary.  I have been trying to replicate them (see this post) without success to date. 

When I was on my return flight from my Las Vegas weekend away, I had a layover at LAX.  And there was The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf!  So excited, I actually ordered 4 of the waffles to go... one toasted and heated up and the other three just to go.  No Nutella needed for those three... we have that at home now.

What fun to be able to surprise The Critic and introduce The Guys to a favorite treat.  I will, however, admit that they are better when they are fresh out of the actual shops... but an airport pop-up is certainly better than nothing!

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