Friday, May 4, 2012

Rick Moonen RM Seafood

Next up in the Foodie Across Las Vegas tour was dinner at RM Seafood.  We opted to dine upstairs which made me super happy.  Pretty much couldn't have been happier unless Rick Moonen himself had stopped by.  Of course then I would be completely star struck and look like a ridiculous fan.  Oh who am I kidding???

Started off with this delicious amuse bouche of crab with relish.  Teeny tiny yum!

Bread was served with this caviar spread rather than butter... salty and unusual.  Bread wasn't outstanding, though.
My main course:  An assortment of scallops along with some polenta nuggets and some confit sausage.  I was happy. 
Last up... complementary trio of desserts.  Really liked that salted caramel pecan pie on the left.

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