Friday, July 1, 2011

Art and Dessert Pizza

Long story short... in order to acquire some art, The Critic drove past Pulcinella's one too many times and my suggestion that we could get their signature dessert pizza was only 3/4 of the way uttered before it was received with a resounding OKAY!

Restaurant name: Pulcinella's
Food type:  Italian
Category:  Repeat customers
Location:  Seattle, WA
Reason for dining out:  Dessert
Bonus features:  Live music on Friday nights 
Food ordered:  Signature Dessert Pizza
Items of inspiration: None
Chance of repeat visit:  More than likely

Every time I find "dessert pizza" on the menu, it hardly intrigues me.  The Critic and I don't really go for the "fruity" desserts and usually dessert pizza involves apples, pears, or something similar.  Not so at Pulcinella's!  Chocolate, coffee, whipped cream... on pizza crust.  Genius and delicious.  It was worth the quick stop tonight for sure!

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